This Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy (“Policy”) applies to the website (“Website” or “Service”) and all related products and services (collectively, “Services”). It outlines how the operator of the Website (“Operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) responds to notices of copyright infringement and provides guidance on how you, the user (“you” or “your”), may file a complaint.

We are committed to protecting intellectual property and expect our users and their authorized representatives to uphold the same standard. Our policy is to promptly address clear reports of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the provisions of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998. The full text of the DMCA is available on the U.S. Copyright Office website.

Considerations Before Filing a Copyright Complaint

Before submitting a notification to us, you may wish to consult with an attorney if you are uncertain whether the content you are reporting constitutes infringement.
Under the DMCA, your copyright infringement notification must include your personal information. If you have concerns about protecting your personal information, you may choose to use an agent to report infringing material on your behalf.

Notices of Violations

If you are a copyright owner or an authorized agent, and you believe that any content available on our Services infringes your copyrights, you may file a written copyright infringement notification (“Notification”) in accordance with the DMCA. Your contact information is provided below. All Notifications must comply with DMCA guidelines.
Filing a DMCA complaint initiates a specific legal process. We will review your complaint to ensure it is accurate, valid, and complete. If your complaint meets these conditions, we may remove or restrict access to the allegedly infringing content as part of our response.

We will make a good faith effort to contact the affected user and inform them about the removal or restriction of access if we remove or restrict access to materials or terminate any account in response to a report of alleged infringement.

Notwithstanding anything in this Policy to the contrary, if the Operator receives a DMCA copyright infringement notification that does not meet all DMCA standards, we reserve the right to take no action.

Modifications and Additions

We reserve the right to modify this Policy or any of its provisions related to the Website and Services at any time, at our sole discretion. Upon making such changes, a notice will be posted on the home page of the website. Additionally, we may notify you through other channels, such as the contact information you have provided.
Unless otherwise specified, the updated version of this Policy will become effective immediately upon posting online. Your continued use of the Website and Services after the amended Policy takes effect will constitute your acceptance of those changes.

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